
Wednesday 16 February 2022

Apabhramsa School of Art


                                             Apabhramsa School of Art

This school traces its origin to Gujarat and Mewar region in Rajasthan. It was the predominant school of painting in western India during 11th to 15th century. The common themes of these paintings were Jain and in the later period the Vaishanava School appropriated them too. They brought in the concept of Gita Govinda and secular love into these paintings that were otherwise dominated by the Jain iconography.

In the early Jain phase, the paintings were made on Palm leaf but in the later period they were made on paper. Even though the paintings were made as illustrations for books, they did not develop a different style but were mural paintings in a reduced dimension. The colours used in the paintings had symbolic meaning and they usually used red, yellow and ochre. In the later phase, they used bright and gold colours.

Furthermore, the features of the human figures  depicted in the paintings have fish-shaped bulging eyes; a pointed nose and a double chin. They tried to begin the trend to make angular faces in the third and fourth profile• They figures are usually stiff and even the ornamentation is carefully done. The female figurines have enlarged hips and breasts. The animal and bird figurines in the paintings are represented as toys. The most famous example is of Kalpasutra and the Kalakacharya Katha from 15th century.